Tuesday, 1 December 2009

kandha kottai Online Watch

kandha kottai Online Watch

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kandha kottai

Production : ESK Films, AGS Entertainment
Direction : Sakthivel S
Star-casts : Nakul, Poorna, Santhanam, Sampath and others
Music : Dheena
He hates love, she loves it. He loves her, but she is not sure if she feels the same. That is Kandha Kottai in a nutshell. Nagulan plays a boy who absolutely detests the very thought of a young boy and girl falling in love and getting married. His dislike stems from the fact that his parents were one such couple long ago. But their married life was not as rosy as their love story. Their constant quarrels lead their son to believe that love can only be wrong. With nothing but opposition for romance, his only mission seems to be to terminate all love stories that he is aware of. That is where Poorna enters. If Nagulan’s character is from the South Pole, Poorna’s ought to be from the North. Their thinking is diametrically opposite and Poorna believes in supporting every love story that she is aware of. Expectedly, both of them do not have a love story of their own. While Nagulan is at his regular job of mangling up another love story, a very drastic turn of events changes his outlook towards love. He starts believing that love can be pure and true after all. It is not long before he develops a soft corner for the girl who made him feel good about love, which happens to be Poorna. But Poorna, the constant advocate for love, is not quite sure about her feelings towards him. Why? That is where a third
person comes into the picture. Though he exits soon after, it is his character that is responsible for all the subsequent events in a very ironical manner. What happens to Nagulan’s love and how the events affect their life is what Kandha Kottai is all about.

kandha kottai online watch

kandha kottai watch

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